Thursday, August 15, 2024

THE PAWN- A Vermin of the Old Empire short story from Unearthed Stories


Return to the Fractured Kingdoms of the Vermin of the Old Empire with THE PAWN an interactive short story, available on UNEARTHED STORIES August 19th.

War has ravaged Volgsland. Blood soaks the soil upon which the lords have fallen.
Those that have survived the Battle of Torglen seek purpose. Lost souls wandering a desolate land.
A former conscript awakes amid the chaos in a foreign land.
Will they find their peace?
Or will the cycle of violence continue?

I'm proud to announce the release of a new short story set in my series of standalone gritty fantasy tales. This has been an extremely fun project to work on and I look forward to sharing it with everyone. I can't thank Livia J Elliot and Prowess Games enough for this opportunity!

If you don't already have the Unearthed Stories app on your phone, use the links below to download it and have it ready for release!

Android link:


Thank you all for checking this out, enjoy the story!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Update and Links 7/17/24

Howdy folks, I have a few things in the works and details will be announced when the time comes. Planning to get a proper website set up in the near future.

I've been working on a short story for a project that has been a lot of fun so far. I'll spread the word on the details soon!

The second novella in the Vermin of the Old Empire is nearly done.

The third novel in the Fall of Emros should be out by the end of the year.

For now, here's are the links to my books, so everything is neatly in one convenient place:

Stone & Shield- Book I in the Fall of Emros

Split Paths- Book II in the Fall of Emros

The Scroungers- A Vermin of the Old Empire novella

Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Scroungers (pre-order now)

The Scroungers
A Vermin of the Old Empire Novella

ebook releases 4/27 pre-order your copy now here The Scroungers pre-order

The Lords have fallen.

It was the war to end all wars.

Violence had plagued the Fractured Kingdoms since the fall of the Old Empire.

But as the generals and the lords died in the Valley of Torglen, the folk looked beyond their allegiances. Beyond their nations.


The bedraggled masses that survived the battle flocked to the nearest town with hopes of a new life.

One in which their rulers remained rotting in the mud.


Brigge led her company of sellswords to foreign lands.

Now she seeks to lead the dispossessed into a new life.


Ebar was forced into duty. Conscripted by the war machine of Volgsland.

Though the war is over, his service is not.


A killer stalks the streets of Bright Hollow. Tortured by their past and longing for vengeance.


Disparate tales intertwine as the lives of the survivors collide.

Bright Hollow is a small town, brimming with newcomers.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Stone & Shield and Split Paths get new covers

 I'm excited to announce the new cover art for Stone & Shield and Split Paths, the first two books in the Fall of Emros.

Pick up your copies here: Fall of Emros

Cover of Stone and Shield

Cover of Split Paths

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Update 1/7/24

 It's been a while since I've updated this site. Times have been a bit hectic this past year. With 2024, though, there are a lot of plans underway. I prepare to move into a new home in the coming days and look forward to getting an office set up and plunging headlong back into my writing.

2024 will finally see the release of The Crooked Lord, book III in the Fall of Emros.

There are many more plans on line for the year, including an anthology, in the early stages, with several wonderful authors. I will make announcements for each project at the appropriate times, but the coming year will be a busy one.

In the meantime Stone & Shield and Split Paths are available in paperback and ebook at:

Until next time, cheers all,

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Steve Talks Books on Stone & Shield

Here's a nice write up from Steve, over at Steve Talks Books, about Stone & Shield.

We had another chat last weekend about the first book in the Fall of Emros Saga, after he had the chance to read it.

And here's the video of our conversation First 14 minutes are spoiler free. After that, be warned if you have not yet read Stone & Shield

Friday, November 12, 2021

General Update 11/12/21

 Seeing as I have a tendency to overlook adding to this here blog from time to time, I thought I'd pop by and add a general update for everything that has been going on. Toss some links down, add some news, and that sort of stuff. Without further ado, here's a list.

Upcoming Events:

-Next Friday (November 19th, 2021) I will be having a conversation with Steve from Steve Talks Books & Stuff over on his Youtube channel. So be sure to check that out. It will be live at 7pm EST

Check out his channel, subscrube and follow and all that stuff, and stop by for the conversation on Friday. Steve Talks Books & Stuff

Current Projects:

-The Gods Are Fallen- For the month of November this novel has become my priority. I've been taking part in NaNoWriMo this year, working on this in the process, and it's coming along quite nicely.

    -Set around 2,400 years before the Emrosian Empire of the Fall of Emros Saga, this will be a standalone novel set within the same world.

    -While one will not need to have read any of the main series to enjoy this book, there will be little bits here and there that connect them (for example, anyone that read Split Paths may recognize the significance of the time frame.)

    -This novel is a heavily Norse inspired book. Following several characters from the Isles of Glass as their lands are ravaged by war among the clans. And the subsequent exodus/discovery of the southern continents.

-Honor & Ruin- Book III of the Fall of Emros Saga I've put this on pause for a moment during NaNoWriMo but will be back to it afterward. Already I'm quite far along in the novel, but at a point where I have to make some judgement calls. Currently, this will be the longest entry into the series, perhaps doubling the length of Stone & Shield. There are also two major storyline being followed throughout. In the end, I need to decide whether it would be best to split into two novels and separate the two storylines, or keep it as one longer book.

    -Picks up during the winter after Stone & Shield.

    -This will be the point where most of those plot threads brought up in Split Paths come together.

-Untitled- Lastly I'm working on a short story to submit to an anthology. I currently don't have much information to give on it. Especially since its no guarantee of it being accepted. But, either way, it's a fun little story so far, and I'll be publishing it in one form or another when it's complete.

    -Tells the tale of a woman with a gambling problem that has had an odd shift of luck. Whether that luck is good or bad is difficult to tell, even as the body count begins to add up. Strange things happen, and they have the stink of the gods about them.

Already Available:

-Stone & Shield- If you haven't already, grab the first book in the Fall of Emros Saga. Now available in the audio format!



-Split Paths- Book II of the Fall of Emros.


Other Links:

And finally, you can follow or reach out to me on all the following platforms:

Facebook Author Page

Follow on Twitter


I think that's everything, thanks for reading. Remember if you like my books, please leave a rating and review, it helps a lot.